Monday, October 22, 2007

paris writes in

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: Deleting my posts On Blogger

Hi John; From Paris W Hilton
I would love to be "Hosting your TV Show; Yin was very helpful in "support" I am on a journey overseas
"TO HELP THOSE " Less fortunate then me.... and to see life as it really is, Bring medias focus to this horrible atrocities .Please give Robert my best regards "I love the helicopter idea!" as always Paris W Hilton 310 xxxxxxxx 818 xxxxxxxx7 See you on My SPace

Saturday, October 20, 2007

more tv shows

Hutchison Effect caught on tape in High Def
Posted on Monday, June 04, 2007 @ 23:56:45 PDT by vlad

ROB SIMONE writes: Hi Bill,

I was just at John's apt/laboratory with a camera crew for new TV series i'm co-producing and hosting. We shot for over 7 hours, in High Def, and captured some extraordinary footage.

You may ask about the HGH bottle that floated in the air for the better part of 20 min. It was constant and controlled.....stunning...:)

It seemed to have 'over-driven' some of the components, I'm not sure if that is a common problem...

Rob Simone

William Alek wrote: Hello all,

Tomorrow night, I'll be having dinner with the legend, John Hutchison, Terry Brady and Steve Elswick of Tesla Tech, and Gary Voss of TAP-TEN research. If anyone has any questions they would like to ask of the group, please send me an email?


William S. Alek, INTALEK, INC.
7760 E. State Rte 69 Ste C5-381
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
PHONE: 928.255.0198

Tim Ventura writes: Hi Rob --


Your description (below) sounds absolutely remarkable.

I would very sincerely ask you to document EVERY aspect of the experience to the best of your ability - in writing would be the best, although if you'd like to schedule some time for an audio interview I could record (you have a show as well, but there might be some advantage to a targeted recording for posterity). For instance, Harold Berndt noticed a buzzing-noise like an over-driven tube-resonance right before the event he witnessed last year - a small detail that may offer us a scientific explanation, and I suspect there may be several things like this that you might not remember noticing even a month or two from now. I'm also incredibly relieved that you got this footage on tape.

Historically speaking, the problem with Hutchison has been the following:

1. Skeptics questioning the intelligence & credibility of people witnessing the effect.
2. The claim that Hutchison is "psychic" and the effect is thus irreproducible.
3. The claim that Hutchison is performing a hoax (by tipping the room upside down, hidden wires, etc)

The "psychic" or "PK" claim has been the most insidious & pervasive: it was first listed as a possibility by John Alexander, but subsequently picked up by other scientists as evidence to explain away a series of anomalies that appeared to threaten the existing paradigm of many people's scientific knowledge. In reality Hutchison's work threatens nothing, and offers a lot of potential, but psychologically this explanation has become a tool for the scientific community to assuage their guilt at having no ready explanation for the effect.

What's REALLY needed (in your documentary, hopefully), are observers who will come forward and sincerely testify about what they've seen in an accurate manner. John Alexander has done this effectively & fairly in past programs, despite never having reportedly seen the effect himself. However, most documentaries are entirely 3rd person, and it would help very much to build public interest if you could speak in a personal manner about your experience studying the paranormal and what it leads you to believe about what you've seen.

I'd like to say three things for the record on this:

First, there are a number of possible avenues for understanding how the Hutchison Effect works, and I believe all of them will lead us to an array of remarkable new technologies. While many scientists and inventors have explored a few of these in the past, Hutchison has never had the full financial & scientific apparatus to conduct a real research effort. My own belief is that with adequate infrastructure in place, it should be possible to fully harness this effect and integrate it into today's science in a beneficial manner.

Second, while John has been the victim of small minds and some irrational fear by agencies like the Canadian EPA, I do NOT believe that he has been the victim of a conspiracy to suppress his work. However, I am completely convinced that nagging doubts and a lack of understanding by the establishment has allowed this remarkable effect to "fall through the cracks" and prevent it from receiving the rigorous study that it otherwise would.

Third, Hutchison's work continues to receive interest at the highest levels of government and academia, but several groups that I'm acquaintanced with have expressed fear that they may ruin their own reputations by investing in such an unknown phenomenon. This fear is greatly compounded by several ignorantly skeptical comments that continue to circulate.

It is because of these factors that I believe what you've already accomplished has TREMENDOUS value in terms of helping to keep the Hutchison Effect in the public spotlight and encourage public interest in what may one day lead to full-fledged scientific investigation. To date, I've found that everyone with any real knowledge of this effect and it's history does not dispute that it occurs, and while there are many different speculations on the cause, I hope that your work is yet another block in the foundation of credibility that will help John's work to change our world in a positive way.


Timothy M. Ventura
American Antigravity, Inc
Phone: 425-605-0928
Mobile: 425-260-4175

rob helps out paris

Hello John,

She doesn't need to do anything. Other than introduce or explain what you are about to do.
This will creates a lot of interest.
If you remember Arthur miller and Marilyn Monroe. What was he doing with her. Arthur was cerebral man.
She did not seem like it but was. We may have the same here.

P. S. I wrote her when she went to jail. I told her to stay positive and when she gets out, I would take her flying in my helicopter far fro the paparazzi She sent me an elegant photo and a nice letter.


paris hilton fox news

Hello John,

I hear what you are saying. she need only talk or be in 1 episode It doesn't matter if they hate Paris. I know people hate Steven S. just as much or more.
Paris has a hit show (The simple life)that has gone on for 5 seasons on FOX. People use to hate Howard Stern in the same way 20 years ago.
Yet people kept watching. they couldn't stop watching or listing to Howard. Now he's worth 800 million.
Paris is the same. If they hate her so much stop paying attention to her. Yet they won't. Her paying attention to you will go all over the world. There will be other celeb's which we will want to meet you because she did.

thank you, Robert.

fox news

Hello John,

She put on an act like she is helpless. Yet she is a business woman who made 7 million last year for doing "nothing" as they say. She must doing something right.

When the time comes the show runner and us will decided will decide what best. Something small, little talking.


paris hiltton working

Hello John,

She doesn't need to do anything. Other than introduce or explain what you are about to do.
This will creates a lot of interest.
If you remember Arthur miller and Marilyn Monroe. What was he doing with her. Arthur was cerebral man.
She did not seem like it but was. We may have the same here.

P. S. I wrote her when she went to jail. I told her to stay positive and when she gets out, I would take her flying in my helicopter far fro the paparazzi She sent me an elegant photo and a nice letter.


paris hilton fox news

Hello John,

I put out the story that Paris blogs to your web site, to a few media outlets. I point out that she is smarter than most people think. She explains to you how the media works in Hollywood, and welcomes you, and your upcoming Fox TV Show. In which you will reproduce the Philadelphia experiment as well as other impressive things.
Paris has a very good grasps of how to arrange the media for it best impact and she's teaching you. this is very smart. And that she knows of you makes her more dynamic. People will want to know who is john Hutchinson is. then your charisma will come in handy.

If you start getting calls, this is what this is about. Be ready to talk about the Philly experiment, Ron, Anti- Gravity experiments, Celebrity Paris will be on the show. Because we will invite her.

If all the talk is about Paris, then milk it and talk about as much as they want. Such as :
It was very generous of Paris to inform me of how the media works. She is interested in many things.
Safe kind statements.

Thanks, Robert.

Hello John,

Is this photo real or doctored?



Hello John,

We are moving forward with your show and insisting it be made while we have this delay, or we will change representation by CAA. I will let you know what take's place.
If you have photos of your new levitations. Please send so I may impress others.

Thank you, Robert.

Hello John,

2 days ago we had just agreed to a media deal and Thursday afternoon, after the meeting, Jim Benson who is the Rocket engine and spaceship
builder had a stroke on his way home to San Diego. He is in the hospital and has not regained speech yet. We are praying for his speedy recovery.


Hello John,

We are still on for your show once we close "Race to Space" show deal. Which will be over next week.


test chamber fox

Hello John,

congratulations. Looks like a great time.Your always moving forward

We had a set back PR wise . Our competitor tried to create one of our Space Dev hybrid engines.
and the tank burst, killing 3 guys. So we had to explained that we are the original and know what we are doing. They were trying to get more power by over pressurizing the tank and in the Mojave heat, the temp in the tank, got away from them, and it burst. Sending metal every where.

Everyone understands and we are back on track.,0,3190584.story?coll=la-home-local



Hello John,

Love the new ufo show. We are still in the fight. Waitng for our agent to return from vacation to close deal. That's the latests.

Thank you, R


Hello John,

Since we had to renegotiate with Fox, because the people we dealt with are no longer there. The new folks have to consider this counter offer closely, since it's new to them. The last executives were all for it. I am just as eager to here from them as you are from me. It's shuld be to much longer.

Thank's Robert.


HI John !

Thanks for the heads up,
hope all is well, the show pilot
has been presented to several leading
networks, and there is great interest,
i'll update you with any news,



HI John !

Thanks for the heads up,
hope all is well, the show pilot
has been presented to several leading
networks, and there is great interest,
i'll update you with any news,


Tuesday, October 2, 2007


That's good news.

But Discovery is saying ratings on Science Channel aren't high enough and they likely won't renew the series! We'd like to do more of these. Please get all your friends to write into Discovery Channel viewer relations and tell them that you like this kind of programming- and to please make sure there is another season of Beyond Invention.

They can write here, follow form :
Under "question", they can select, "network/program related" then write their note.
Please send in ASAP.

Thanks John.


From: John Hutchison []
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 6:23 PM
To: peter
Cc: Robert Drake; Paul_Stoichevski
Subject: hi peter this spike occured on start of your tv show cool

Web Site Report For

Daily Report
The Daily Report identifies the activity for each day within the reporting period. Remember that one page hit can result in several server requests as the images for each page are loaded.

Day Number of requests Number of page requests
1. May 18, 2007 6,122 566
2. May 19, 2007 7,691 584
3. May 20, 2007 6,979 568
4. May 21, 2007 10,006 754
5. May 22, 2007 7,145 642
6. May 23, 2007 6,147 475
7. May 24, 2007 7,361 577
8. May 25, 2007 7,324 438
9. May 26, 2007 10,367 650
10. May 27, 2007 6,546 446
11. May 28, 2007 9,437 727
12. May 29, 2007 8,222 630
13. May 30, 2007 6,744 465
14. May 31, 2007 7,055 526
15. June 1, 2007 8,436 581
16. June 2, 2007 55,280 3,163
17. June 3, 2007 21,706 1,414
18. June 4, 2007 17,903 1,121
19. June 5, 2007 12,553 989
20. June 6, 2007 12,536 879
21. June 7, 2007 17,784 5,166
22. June 8, 2007 11,511 1,091
23. June 9, 2007 7,365 552
24. June 10, 2007 8,374 565
25. June 11, 2007 10,138 684
26. June 12, 2007 8,559 667
27. June 13, 2007 12,706 827
28. June 14, 2007 7,386 527
29. June 15, 2007 7,506 495
30. June 16, 2007 9,300 653
31. June 17, 2007 9,604 723
32. June 18, 2007 9,389 705
33. June 19, 2007 10,149 857
34. June 20, 2007 8,836 943
35. June 21, 2007 7,937 815
36. June 22, 2007 9,112 809
37. June 23, 2007 6,264 548
38. June 24, 2007 7,604 544
39. June 25, 2007 7,076 631
40. June 26, 2007 9,014 872
41. June 27, 2007 7,916 652
42. June 28, 2007 9,278 708

Most active day April 5, 2006 : 27,050 pages sent. 55,280 requests handled.

Daily average: 862 pages sent. 10,437 requests handled.


This report was generated on June 29, 2007 04:30.
Report time frame March 15, 2006 19:16 to June 28, 2007 23:52.

Web statistics report produced by: analog 5.1 / Report Magic 2.21
Hi John,

I saw a documentary on the discovery channel
about your findings. I believe in your efforts and
feel you are an important scientist doing the right
thing. Thank you.

Hello, Mr. Hutchison;

Thank you for your email. I'm so sorry to get back to you. Currently, I'm in San Francisco and working on other TV show.

Our client just emailed me, and he would like to know the detail about your experiment with National Geographic in March. 2006. I saw that in article sais it was first successful experiment since 1991.

1, What kind of the experiment was it?
2. Did you succeed the experiment?
3. Where we can get the footage?

I've had hard time to open the links you always send me, so if you can answer the question above simply, that would be great.

Thank you.

John – Spoke with Paul last night, he is sending me the DVD and I will get it to History Channel.

Cheers, Ron
What do you call a person who distributes a CGI video in which the voices mixed with music are excerpts from my non-fiction Earthfiles and radio interviews with real eyewitnesses, but the CGI-creator has never contacted me for permission?


Linda Moulton Howe
Reporter and Editor
and Investigative Reporter
Premiere Radio Networks;
Dreamland Online

P. O. Box 21843
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87154

TEL: 505-797-7727
FAX: 505-797-7908

We closed the deal yesterday. Which means a new partner is going to put in 2 million dollars so we can build the dream chaser space ship. Which will attract the sponsor and other investors. Which we now own, instead of FOX owning it a big share. The documents are now at the attorneys and that will take 3 weeks to finish. Then we can start to seriously shop your show around adain.
With all the drama I have seen these past 3 years. It's now has more of an HBO feel to it. It's more complex than just a science show now.

P. S. Keep your fingers crossed and let's hope nothing crazy happens to rock the boat that we are about to board.



Hi John,
I've been reading the emails you are forwarding me.
Please do not make any major decisions on projects until I get back from France.
I will most likely come back with a lot of contacts that can help us make a new show for both you and Halina. I have some good ideas.
My friend XXXXXXXXXXXXX knows a lot more people in your field than Gordan Novel.
We can work together to make something great.
You don't need bimbo Paris on your science show. I already have a bimbo on my show..Dominique, and she's the one everyone who watches the show complains about.

Hi John,

Things are going great with the show, thanks,
It is an awsome progect that will reach a lot of people,
I would love to have you on my show, there is much to discuss,

I will send the pics,( i only copied two or three) from Halina's camera,
of the light in the sky, which was related to the segment we shot,





Hello John,

We are moving forward with your show and insisting it be made while we have this delay, or we will change representation by CAA. I will let you know what take's place.
If you have photos of your new levitations. Please send so I may impress others.

Thank you, Robert.

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